Jotting Table Of Contents

Source code for

import os
import json
from .style import Tree
from .util import Switch

[docs]class Complete(object): """Read a complete set of logs from a file or list of dictionaries. This class will organize a given set of logs such that they are contextually, but not necessarilly chronologically ordered. You can get a string representation of the given logs styled as a :class:`` simply by converting it to a string (e.g. ``str(Complete(my_source))``), or you can iterate over the reordered logs (e.g. ``list(Complete(my_source))``) and style them yourself later. Parameters ---------- source : string or iterable containing log strings If given as a string ``source`` will be interpreted as a filepath. Otherwise source should it should be a list of log strings. """ def __init__(self, source): if isinstance(source, str): path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(source)) with open(path, "r") as f: lines ="\n") source = map(json.loads, (l for l in lines if l)) self._logs = self._load(source) def _load(self, source): logs, working, done = [], [], [] start = lambda l: l["metadata"]["timestamps"][0] for l in sorted(source, key=start): status = l["metadata"]["status"] if status == "started": logs.append(l) elif status == "working": working.append(l) else: done.append(l) self._insert(logs, working) self._insert(logs, done) return logs def _insert(self, logs, todo): index = len(logs) - 1 while len(todo): t = todo.pop() t_m = t["metadata"] t_t = t_m["timestamps"][-1] for i, l in enumerate(reversed(logs)): l_m = l["metadata"] l_t = l_m["timestamps"][-1] if t_m["tag"] in (l_m["tag"], l_m["parent"]) and l_t < t_t: logs.insert(len(logs) - i, t) break else: raise ValueError("Incomplete log set.") def __iter__(self): return iter(self._logs) def __repr__(self): return "".join(map(Tree(), self._logs))
[docs]class Stream(Switch): """Read a stream of log strings or dictionaries. Parameters ---------- *outlets : callable A series of callable :class:`Outlet` objects that will receive logs one at a time. Logs will be collected and then distributed in batches, in order to make guesses about causes and effects. This only works for logs that were created synchronously. Notes ----- The stream attempts to make educated guesses about causes and effects. In other words, it will attempt to reorder the logs. This works well for logs that were synchronously created. For logs created in parrallel threads or processes, you should store your logs in a file, and read them back with :class:`Complete`. """ def __init__(self, *outlets): self._hold = [] # all the logs up to that point self._outlets = outlets def __call__(self, log): """Add a log to the stream.""" if isinstance(log, str): log = json.loads(log) self._switch(log) def _started(self, log): tag = log["metadata"]["tag"] parent = log["metadata"]["parent"] self._hold.append(log) def _working(self, log): self._hold.append(log) def _default(self, log): for i, l in enumerate(reversed(self._hold)): meta = l["metadata"] if log["metadata"]["tag"] in (meta["parent"], meta["tag"]): self._hold.insert(-i, log) break else: self._hold.append(log) done = set() send = [] for i, l in enumerate(reversed(self._hold)): m = l["metadata"] if m["status"] in ("success", "failure"): done.add(m["tag"]) if m["status"] == "started": if m["tag"] not in done: send.insert(0, l) else: send.append(l) else: send.append(l) list(map(self._send, send)) self._hold.clear() def _send(self, log): for o in self._outlets: o(log)