Jotting Table Of Contents

Source code for

import sys
import json
import datetime
import inspect
from .util import Switch

[docs]class Style(Switch): """The base :class:`Style` type.""" def __call__(self, log): """Return a formated log. Parameters ---------- log : dict A log created by """ log = self._pre(log) if log: lines = self._switch(log) if lines and isinstance(lines, str): lines = [lines] if lines: return self._post("\n".join(lines) + "\n") def _pre(self, log): return log def _post(self, log): return log
[docs]class Raw(Style): """Creates a string representation of the log object.""" class Encoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, o): try: return super(json.JSONEncoder, self).default(o) except: return str(o) def _default(self, log): return self.Encoder().encode(log)
[docs]class Log(Style): """A basic formater that only creates successes, and failures.""" def _pre(self, log): if isinstance(log["metadata"]["title"], str): return log def _completed(self, log): metadata = log["metadata"] status = metadata["status"] duration = metadata["timestamps"][-1] - metadata["timestamps"][0] timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(metadata["timestamps"][-1]) info = ", ".join(map(lambda i: "%s: %s" % i, log["content"].items())) message = "{time} {status} {title} after {duration:.3f} seconds" if len(info) > 50: info = info[:47] + "..." if info: message += " - {info}" yield message.format(time=timestamp, status=status.upper(), title=metadata["title"], info=info, duration=duration) _success = _completed _failure = _completed
[docs]class Tree(Style): """An ascii tree representation for logs.""" def __init__(self): self._depths = {} def _pre(self, log): tag = log["metadata"]["tag"] parent = log["metadata"]["parent"] depth = self._depths.get(parent, -1) + 1 log["metadata"]["depth"] = self._depths[tag] = depth return log def _started(self, log): content, metadata = log["content"], log["metadata"] indent = "| " * metadata["depth"] timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(metadata["timestamps"][-1]) yield indent + "|-- {status}: {title}".format(**metadata) yield indent + "| @ {0}".format(timestamp) if "reason" in content: yield indent + "| | reason: {0}".format(content.pop("reason")) for k, v in content.items(): yield indent + "| | {0}: {1}".format(k, v) def _working(self, log): content, metadata = log["content"], log["metadata"] indent = "| " * (metadata["depth"] + 1) timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(metadata["timestamps"][-1]) yield indent + "|-- {status}: {title}".format(**metadata) yield indent + "| @ {0}".format(timestamp) if "reason" in content: yield indent + "| | reason: {0}".format(content.pop("reason")) for k, v in content.items(): yield indent + "| | {0}: {1}".format(k, v) def _default(self, log): content, metadata = log["content"], log["metadata"] indent = "| " * (metadata["depth"] + 1) timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(metadata["timestamps"][-1]) yield indent + "`-- {status}: {title}".format(**metadata) yield indent + " @ {0}".format(timestamp) diff = metadata["timestamps"][-1] - metadata["timestamps"][0] content["duration"] = "{:.3f}".format(diff) + " seconds" if "reason" in content: yield indent + "| | reason: {0}".format(content.pop("reason")) for k, v in content.items(): yield indent + " | {0}: {1}".format(k, v)